Arunachal Governor visits border villages
Arunachal Governor visits border villages

ITANAGAR: Arunachal Pradesh Governor K T Parnaik said prosperity in the border villages will further strengthen the border security.

The Governor, who was on a two-day visit on Thursday and Friday to the border district of Shi Yomi under the Vibrant Village programme, visited Lhalung Village under Mechukha block and interacted with gaon burhas, panchayati raj members, villagers and government officials.

Also read: Arunachal Governor urges youths to be state’s torchbearers

He said that the central government has accorded top priority to development of border areas and has launched several welfare schemes and projects, including the ‘Vibrant Village Programme.’

He called upon the villagers to be cooperative and continue to strengthen the bonhomie with the armed forces.

Parnaik said that activities have commenced on a war footing in cooperation with the Armed Forces deployed along the borders and will require active participation of the population residing in border areas.

Arunachal Governor also called upon the villagers to preserve their vibrant customs and traditions.

 “Our vibrant villages have the potential to attract many tourists and this can lead to development and progress of every household in the village,” he said.

Also read: Implement goodwill projects in border areas: Arunachal Governor

To encourage the self-help groups, Arunachal Governor procured their horticultural products and distributed the items amongst the needy people in the village.

He also visited a newly constructed home-stay and advised the owner on the finer aspects of cultural tourism.

Earlier in the day, the Governor chaired a meeting with the heads of department and reviewed the state and central government flagship programmes.

He emphasized on proper utilization of funds and involvement of the people in implementation of the programmes and projects.

The Governor expressed concerns about delay in disbursement of bank loans to farmers and lack of internet connectivity.

Also read: Arunachal Governor, GOC discuss border areas’ development

He suggested a long-term comprehensive plan to address these issues.

The Governor stressed on early automation of department data and activities and said that information must reach every stakeholder.

He suggested adopting a district vision, with plans for activities in the next five years, which must be realistic and standardized.

“It will enhance the working capacity, provide the required direction and a good methodology for successful implementation” (of the prorgammes), the Governor said.

He advised the officers to visit the remote villages and stay with them frequently to understand their needs and difficulties.

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“Such a proactive step will help them to feel the pulse of the people and hasten the development in the village,” the Governor said.

Shi Yomi, District Deputy Commissioner Liyi Bagra and the departmental heads briefed the Governor regarding implementation of developmental projects and programmes in the district.

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