Imphal: City police arrested two suspected cadres of the proscribed People’s Liberation Army (PLA), the armed wing of the banned Revolutionary People’s Front while the duo were enjoying ruthless extortion activities in the heart of Manipur’s Imphal city.
According to police, they were arrested along with a pistol loaded with seven rounds of 7.65 ammunition in the magazine, Rs. 6210/- in cash, an unregistered two-wheeler, two mobile handsets, Aadhar cards, and incriminating articles including demand letters, a police statement said on Thursday.
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The City Police on receiving information of extortion activities from the business establishments by the underground outfits, conducted a flash operation in the heart of the city areas on Wednesday afternoon.
The police team arrested the two active cadres of RPF/PLA who were involved in extortion from the shops located in and around Paona Bazar, the hub of the commercial in Imphal city.
They were later identified as Nepram Bothe Meitei (24) and Yengkhom Gyandas Singh @ Dinku @ Chaningkhomba (24).
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The police added that the arrested persons along with the seized items are now in the custody of the police for further legal proceedings.