5 early signs and symptoms to watch out for head lice
If lice aren’t treated, scratching can lead to sores on the scalp (Representative Image)

Head lice are a common problem, particularly among children, but anyone can get them, and spotting them early can help prevent their spread and make treatment easier. Here are five early signs and symptoms to look out for:

Itchy Scalp

One of the first things people notice when they have head lice is an itchy scalp. This itching happens because of the bites lice leave on the scalp as they feed on blood.

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Not everyone with lice will itch, but if you or your child’s scalp is itchy, it could be a sign. Children often scratch their heads more, which can lead to red, irritated skin.

Visible Lice or Nits

The most certain sign of head lice is seeing the lice or their eggs, called nits. Lice are tiny, wingless bugs that are about the size of a sesame seed, and they move fast through the hair.

Nits are small, oval-shaped eggs attached to the hair close to the scalp. They may be hard to spot, especially on dark hair, but they look like shiny specks. If you see either lice or nits, it’s time to start treatment right away.

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Sores or Redness on the Scalp

If lice aren’t treated, scratching can lead to sores on the scalp. These sores may get red or swollen, and if not treated, they can become infected.

The bites can cause irritation and redness, so it’s important to watch for these signs and take action quickly to avoid further problems.

Feeling Something Crawling in the Hair

Sometimes, people with lice say they feel like something is crawling in their hair. This happens because lice move around the scalp to find blood.

While this feeling isn’t always noticed, if it’s paired with itching or seeing lice, it’s a good clue that lice may be present.

Trouble Sleeping

Head lice are often more active at night, so people with lice might have trouble sleeping. Children, especially, may wake up more often or be restless at night because their scalp is itchy. If your child is having more sleep trouble than usual, it could be because of lice.

What to Do If You Spot These Symptoms?

If you notice any of these signs or symptoms of head lice, it’s important to act quickly. Lice spread easily, especially in places like schools or daycares. Use a fine-toothed comb to check for lice, or ask a doctor for help. There are treatments like medicated shampoos or lotions that can kill lice and their eggs.

Prevention is also important. Check your child’s hair regularly, avoid head-to-head contact, and don’t share combs, hats, or hair accessories.

By watching for these early symptoms, you can act quickly, prevent lice from spreading, and get back to your normal routine.