West Bengal Governor KN Tripathi at the inaugural function of Women Science Congress at Manipur University campus at Canchipur on March 18, 2018. Photo: Sobhapati Samom

The 7th Women Science Congress (WSC) was held on Sunday in the backdrop of ongoing Indian Science Congress at Manipur University campus at Canchipur.

More than 1000 women scientists across the country have participated in the Women Science Congress.

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West Bengal Governor Keshari Nath Tripathi inaugurated the Women Science Congress  at the well attended centenary hall of Manipur university.

Former president of Indian Science congress Association (ISCA) Ashok Saxena, Manipur University Vice Chancellor AP Pandey, former general secretary of ISCA Vijay Laxmi Saxena, incumbent ISCA general secretaries Gangadhar, PP Mathur and Namita Gupta of Ministry of Science and Technology also attended the colourful inaugural function.

In the day’s first scientific session, three experts Prof Sadhana Singh of D G PG College Kanpur, retired professor of AN College Patna Chandrawati,  Dr Vidyapatni, head of botany, Maharaja College Rajasthan University made presentations on different topics and the session was chaired by Prof Asha Gupta of Life Science department of Manipur University.

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Dr Archana Verma of National dairy research institute Karnal, Dr Hemlata J Wangkhede of Institute of Science PG and Research Aurangabad, Dr Anukriti Verna of Christian Medical College Ludhiana and Prof Asha Gupta of Life Science department Manipur University  participated in the second session. Professor Manjushree Majumdar of Department of Pure Mathematics, Calcutta University chaired the last session of the day.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the 105th Indian Science Congress – the largest gathering of Indian scientists in Imphal on Friday. Imphal became the second city in the North East to host such a prestigious event after Shillong in 2009. The Indian Science Congress was scheduled to be held at Osmania University in Hyderabad from January 3 to 7. But it was rescheduled to March 16- 20 and its venue was moved to the Manipur University.

The focal theme for Indian Science Congress is “Reaching the Unreached through Science and Technology”. This year the focus will be on translational science for promoting affordable sustainable innovation.


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