Agartala: Ahead of Republic Day, Tripura Police carried out a significant operation, leading to the arrest of two men from Bihar and the seizure of a firearm in Dharmanagar Sub-division, North Tripura District, earlier today.
North District Superintendent of Police, Avinash Rai, IPS, provided details of the operation, noting it was the result of a joint effort by Tripura Police, the District Intelligence Branch, and the Dharmanagar Sub-divisional Police Officer. Acting on a tip-off, the police conducted a raid around 2 PM.
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The suspects, Niraj Kumar and Indar Mukhia, both residents of Bihar, were intercepted shortly after arriving by train. A pistol was recovered during the search.
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An investigation has been initiated, and the police plan to present the suspects in court to seek their remand for further interrogation.