Nongpoh: A shocking discovery unfolded in the serene village of Paham Mawlien, located at the 20th Mile of Ri Bhoi in Meghalaya when members of the public spotted a human skeleton in the nearby river.

Prompt action by the Ri Bhoi police led to the retrieval of the remains, which have now been transferred to the Civil Hospital in Nongpoh for further investigation.

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According to the police, the village headman of Paham Mawlein, Khurgun Sylliang, played a crucial role in providing information about the sighting of the skeleton.

It was reported that the public noticed the remains at approximately 10 am, prompting the authorities to swiftly respond to the scene.

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The gender of the deceased individual has not yet been determined, and due to the condition of the skeleton, it is believed that it had been submerged in the river for a considerable amount of time.

As of now, the identity of the person and the circumstances surrounding their death remain a mystery.

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Following the retrieval of the skeleton, the authorities wasted no time in transferring it to the Civil Hospital in Nongpoh.

The next step in the investigation involves a thorough post-mortem examination to determine the cause of death and gather any possible clues that could shed light on the identity of the deceased.

Despite the dissemination of this news, no individuals have come forward thus far to claim the remains. 

The police are urging anyone who might have information about a missing person or any other relevant details to contact the Ri Bhoi Police Department promptly.