assam cee
Image courtesy: AglaSem Admission

In view of the ongoing crisis in the country arising out of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Assam Science and Technology University (ASTU) has postponed the CEE 2020 Examination in Assam.

Keeping in view of the ongoing situation and lockdown, the University also extended the date of submission of online forms for the examination.

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The CEE 2020 Examination was scheduled to be held on April 26, 2020.

A public notice, issued by the Assam Science and Technology University, said: “In view of the hardships faced by the country and its citizens due to COVID-19 pandemic, the date of online submission form for CEE 2020 extended by ten days from the end of COVID 19 lockdown period date.”

The notice further said: “CEE 2020 examination which was scheduled to be held on Sunday, April 26th, 2020, thus stands postponed to a later date.”

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According to the notice, the fresh date of examination will be finalized after the declaration of the JEE mains/JEE Advanced/NEET examination dates.

The University has advised the candidates and their parents to keep on visiting for the latest updates.

“The candidates can also contact online technical helpline numbers 08472880277, 09769199421, 09619452109 for online submission. They are also being informed individually through their registered mobile number,” the notice added.