Common Entrance Examination, commonly known as CEE is a Assam State Government- controlled centralized examination which is conducted by Assam Science and Technology university.

The examination conducting body is the Assam Science and Technology University. It conducts the state level engineering examination every year, has published the Assam CEE result 2019 on its official website at

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CEE 2019 results of the Assam Science and Technology University (ASTU) were declared on Friday. The A CEE 2019 was conducted on April 28 last by the Assam Science and Technology University.

How to Check Assam CEE Results 2019

 Those candidates who have appeared for the examination can check their scores on the official website of the University-

Step 1: Visit the ASTU website at

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Step 2: Check for tab reading as Assam CEE result or merit list

Step 3: On the redirected page, enter application number/username and password.

Step 4: Click on submit button

Step 5: Your Assam CEE result 2019 and merit list will be displayed.

Candidates will also be required to fill and submit all three forms – Form A, Form B and Form C. The students will be allotted seats as per their choices filled and rank secured.

About CEE Assam 2019  – Process of Counseling

The Assam Science and Technology University conducts the examination to shortlist qualifying candidates for offering admission to B Tech programmers in Assam government institutes and universities.

Assam CEE examination is of three hours duration and tests candidates on Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry subjects. The examination is conducted in Assamese and English language and candidates have to score at least 50 per cent (45 per cent for reserved candidates) to qualify for the admissions process.

Every candidate’s marks in all three subjects including Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics will be considered while preparing the merit list. The selected ones will then be required to attend the counseling process at the allocated venue depending on their ranks.