Vice Chancellor of Rajiv Gandhi University in Arunachal Pradesh, Prof Saket Kushwaha on Tuesday said the solitary central university in the State could achieve greater heights only with team work.
Prof Kushwaha was speaking at an interactive session jointly organized by the Rajiv Gandhi University Teachers’ Association (RGUTA) and the RGU Employees’ Association (RGUEA).
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Responding to the grievances of the two organisations, Prof Kushwaha said he has already had consultations with the Union Minister of Human Resource Development and officials of the HRD Ministry to convey the grievances and seek redress.
The Vice Chancellor further asserted that his tenure at the University would be devoted to ensure ideal working conditions.
Prof Kushwaha also called upon the assembled faculty members and other employees of the university to be accountable to the expectations that people have of them.
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Earlier, in her opening remarks, RGUTA president Prof Jumyir Basar gave an account of the association’s history, and apprised the Vice Chancellor of the difficulties faced by the faculty members, including the matters of pensions and water scarcity, and the dream of the university to be a fully residential one.
She also informed that the RGUTA is proposing for a plastic-free campus.
RGUEA vice-president Gomar Basar also briefed the Vice Chancellor on the difficulties faced by the university’s employees, and appealed for personal intervention from the Vice Chancellor in the matters of pay hike of contractual employees, creation of posts, holding of DPC on time, and framing well-defined recruitment rules.
RGUTA general secretary Bikash Bage also shared how difficult it was for the university to function without a fulltime Vice Chancellor for 10 months.
RGUEA general secretary Biru Taba in his closing remarks appreciated the high turnout at the gathering, and said it reflected the expectations of the university from the Vice Chancellor.