Assam Chief Minister Sarbananda Sonowal on Wednesday said all the evils of the society can be wiped out with the application of science and technology. Sonowal said this while speaking at the State-level function of the National Science Day 2018, State Science Award Ceremony at NEDFi House in Guwahati on Wednesday.
Speaking on the occasion, Chief Minister Sonowal also said that in the 21st century a society cannot progress without science and technology. There should be symbiotic approach to take science technology closer to common people so that people at large can avail of the benefits of science and technology and their manifestations.
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He also said that those who have achieved success in science and technology are ideals to society. The popularity of science and technology should be generated even in the rural areas and digital literacy programme launched in the villages can help the rural populace to develop scientific mentality, stated a government press communique.
Announcing his government’s keen interests of recognising the role of veteran scientists towards helping the young generation to inculcate scientific mentality, Sonowal said that the government would relentlessly work to help the entire society to reap the rich dividends of science and technology.
He also called upon the teaching fraternity to take the lead in helping the students to inculcate scientific attitude among themselves. Sonowal also emphasised on the need of developing scientific mentality for the preservation of forests and their by-products, it added.
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Synchronising with the programme, Sonowal also felicitated Prof Sarbeswar Bujarbarua with an Award for Lifetime Achievement, Dr Arun Jyoti Borah with Young Scientist Award and Assam Science Society with an Award for Science Popularisation and Research. Sonowal, besides honouring several students with awards also handed over cheques to 16 schools for planting trees.
Science and Technology Minister Keshab Mahanta, Chief Secretary TY Das, Mentor Director of IIIT Prof Gautam Baruah, Additional Chief Secretary Science and Technology VS Bhaskar, Director of ASTEC Dr Arup Dutta also spoke on the occasion. Chief Minister’s Media and Legal Advisors Hrishikesh Goswami and Shantanu Bharali and a host of other dignitaries were present on the occasion.