Nagaland introduces comprehensive school safety policy
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Ensuring a safe learning environment for children in Nagaland, a comprehensive Nagaland Disaster Management School Safety Policy (NDMSSP) is prepared in the state.

The policy has been developed by the Nagaland State Disaster Management Authority (NSDMA) in collaboration with Nagaland School Education Department.

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NDMSSP aims to highlight specific actions towards school safety that can be undertaken by various stakeholders within the existing framework for the delivery of education.

NDMSSP aims to create an environment where every children, teacher and other stakeholders of schools are safe hazards threatening their pursuit of education.

NDMSSP will focus on the urgent need to strengthen risk resilience of schools in rural as well as the urban areas of Nagaland.

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The policy also stresses on school safety in a more inclusive and holistic manner.

A copy of the policy was made available during capacity development programme as part of the preparation for the forthcoming Nagaland Emergency Preparedness Exercise 2019 in Kohima on Thursday.


Bhadra Gogoi is Northeast Now Correspondent in Nagaland. He can be reached at: [email protected]