Assam minister for GDD, education and law & justice Siddhartha Bhattacharya will dedicate the Noonmati Pump House to the people of State on Wednesday.
The construction of Noonmati basin drain was taken up as per survey report of the TAHAL Consulting Engineers.
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TAHAL suggested diverting storm water of Noonmati Basin flowing towards Bharalu River to Bondajan for reducing the load of Bharalu.
Later on GMDA engaged IIT Guwahati for detailed study and advice.
As per study report of IIT Guwahati the scheme is implemented.
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Noonmati basin drain has two legs, one leg (part-I) starts from Bamunimaidam (back side of FCI godown) and other leg (part-II) starts from Mathgharia Hills and combine discharge flows to Bondajan.
Total length of the drain is 5300 mtr approx and width of the drain varies from 3.00 mtr to 6.50 mtr.
The Noonmati Pump House is an integral part of Noonmati Basin Drainage System.
Water from Mathgharia Hills drain (Part-II drain) and Bamunimaidam drain (Part-I drain) upto Pump House point flows towards Bondajan through natural gradient but water coming from Jyoti Nagar Hills to the backside of FCI godown cannot flow naturally towards Bondajan hence require pumping.
As per suggestion of IIT Guwahati this pumping station has been installed which have four Kirloskar make pumps of capacity 1000ltr/sec each and the total discharge is 4000ltr/sec or 4.00 cu.m/sec.
To power these electrically driven pumps one electrical sub-station has been installed with two 500KVA transformer.
The estimated cost of the scheme is Rs. 640.90 lakh.
Noonmati basin drain along with pumping station will be able divert 10 cum of water towards Bondajan and ultimately to Brahmaputra which was flowing towards Bharalu river.
This diversion will reduce the load of Bharalu and will minimize the water logging problem of city area.
The areas which will be mostly benefited by this diversion are Zoo Road, Anil Nagar, Navin Nagar, Mathgharia.