1. Sukhasana A simple yoga pose that can be done by sitting cross-legged with a straight back and neck, it helps in weight management, alleviating stress and is great for practicing at the time of pregnancy

1. Sukhasana A simple yoga pose that can be done by sitting cross-legged with a straight back and neck, it helps in weight management, alleviating stress and is great for practicing at the time of pregnancy

2. Baddha Konasana Popularly known as the bound angle pose, it improves flexibility of the body, reduces PCOS symptoms, aids digestion and boost health of reproductive organs

2. Baddha Konasana Popularly known as the bound angle pose, it improves flexibility of the body, reduces PCOS symptoms, aids digestion and boost health of reproductive organs

3. Ukatasana A wonderful yoga pose for women, Utkatasana helps with losing calories, improves posture and reduces joint pain

3. Ukatasana A wonderful yoga pose for women, Utkatasana helps with losing calories, improves posture and reduces joint pain

4. Virabhdrasana If you are the one who have to sit for 8-9 hours on a desk for your job, this asana is good for you as it increases stamina and relieves tension of muscles

4. Virabhdrasana If you are the one who have to sit for 8-9 hours on a desk for your job, this asana is good for you as it increases stamina and relieves tension of muscles

5. Setu Bandhasana For strengthening the back of your body as well as calming the nervous system, this yoga asana is perfect for you

5. Setu Bandhasana For strengthening the back of your body as well as calming the nervous system, this yoga asana is perfect for you

6. Balasana A resting pose, Balasana has therapeutic benefits for anxiety, stress, depression, sleeping difficulties and fatigue

6. Balasana A resting pose, Balasana has therapeutic benefits for anxiety, stress, depression, sleeping difficulties and fatigue

7. Trikonasana It helps in improving stability, strengthens the spine, stimulates organs and reduces stress

7. Trikonasana It helps in improving stability, strengthens the spine, stimulates organs and reduces stress

8. Viparita Karani It alleviates stress, enhances self-healing, and aids in better circulation, making it beneficial for those with low blood pressure or veins related issues

8. Viparita Karani It alleviates stress, enhances self-healing, and aids in better circulation, making it beneficial for those with low blood pressure or veins related issues

9. Supta baddha Konasona The pose promotes circulation, enhances breathing, opens up the chest, releases the hips, strengthens and stretches the shoulders and centres and calms the mind

9. Supta baddha Konasona The pose promotes circulation, enhances breathing, opens up the chest, releases the hips, strengthens and stretches the shoulders and centres and calms the mind

10. Matsyasana To enhance breathing and improve metabolism of your body, practice this yoga asana

10. Matsyasana To enhance breathing and improve metabolism of your body, practice this yoga asana

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