1. The hoolock gibbon, or as popularly known holo bandar, is the only ape species found in India

1. The hoolock gibbon, or as popularly known holo bandar, is the only ape species found in India

2. The range of the hoolock gibbon is between the Brahmaputra and Salween rivers, covering parts of northeast India, eastern Bangladesh, northern Myanmar (Burma), and a small area of southern China

2. The range of the hoolock gibbon is between the Brahmaputra and Salween rivers, covering parts of northeast India, eastern Bangladesh, northern Myanmar (Burma), and a small area of southern China

3. Hoolock gibbons reach a size of 60 to 90 cm and weigh 6 to 9 kg

3. Hoolock gibbons reach a size of 60 to 90 cm and weigh 6 to 9 kg

4. This primate species from the family of gibbons is about 25 years

4. This primate species from the family of gibbons is about 25 years

5. They mostly feed on fruits, leaves, flowers, shoots and insects

5. They mostly feed on fruits, leaves, flowers, shoots and insects

6. They make a emotive call that echoes across long distance in the forest

6. They make a emotive call that echoes across long distance in the forest

7. Hoolock gibbons are incredibly swift creatures and can swing from tree to tree by brachiating (use the arms for jumping) at speeds of 55 km/hr and covering up to six metres in one swing

7. Hoolock gibbons are incredibly swift creatures and can swing from tree to tree by brachiating (use the arms for jumping) at speeds of 55 km/hr and covering up to six metres in one swing

8. They form monogamous pairs and have strong family bonds

8. They form monogamous pairs and have strong family bonds

9. Both male and female gibbons are about the same size, but they differ considerably in colors.

9. Both male and female gibbons are about the same size, but they differ considerably in colors.

10. Males are black colored with remarkable white brows, while females have grey-brown fur, which is darker at the chest and neck.

10. Males are black colored with remarkable white brows, while females have grey-brown fur, which is darker at the chest and neck.

Northeast Now


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