Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday said that Indians are ‘natural reformers’ who can overcome any kind of challenge with a spirit of reform and rejuvenation.

In his inaugural address at the three-day virtual conference, being held from July 9 to July 11 themed ‘Be The Revival: India and a Better New World’, Modi also said that India is starting to see ‘green shoots’ of economic recovery amid the coronavirus pandemic.

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“Indians are natural reformers!  History has shown that India has overcome every challenge, be it social or economical. India has done so with a spirit of reform and rejuvenation. The same spirit continues now,” said Modi.

“Indians have the spirit to achieve what is believed to be impossible. No wonder that in India, we are already seeing green-shoots when it comes to economic recovery,” he added.

“In this time of a pandemic, we have provided relief to our citizens and undertaken deep structural reforms. We are making the economy more productive, investment-friendly and competitive,” he said.

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He said that in these times when the world is battling the COVID-19 pandemic, it is natural to talk about revival and there is faith that the story of global revival will have India playing a leading role.

He also said that India remains one of the most open economies in the world.

“We are laying the red carpet for all global companies to come and establish their presence in India. Very few countries will offer the kind of opportunities India does today,” he added.

Modi lauded the pharmaceutical industry of the country for being an ‘asset’ for the entire world.

“The pandemic has once again shown that India’s pharma industry is an asset not just for India but for the entire world.   It has played a leading role in reducing the cost of medicines  especially for developing countries. Vaccines made in India are responsible for two-thirds of the vaccination needs of the world’s children,” Modi added.

Modi also explained the meaning of AtmaNirbhar Bharat saying that it is about being self-sustaining and self-generating.

The three-day virtual conference, organized by India Inc Group would by attended by 5,000 participants from over 30 nations.