Kalpana, originally from Jogendra Nagar, had been living as a tenant in Maheshkhala with Shankar Sutradhar, with whom she was reportedly in a relationship. (Representative image)

Agartala: In a shocking incident, a married women was allegedly killed by her alleged lover at Maheshkhala in West Tripura district on Saturday.

The women, identified as Kalpana Debnath, was found dead by her daughter at her rented house at Maheshkhala.

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Originally from Jogendra Nagar, Kalpana had been living as a tenant in Maheshkhala with Shankar Sutradhar, with whom she was reportedly in a relationship. She had left her children several months ago to move in with Shankar.

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Upon arriving at the scene, her daughter found Kalpana’s body on the floor, while Shankar was sitting calmly on a bed.

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The daughter’s screams alerted neighbors, who quickly gathered at the home. The situation intensified when Shankar’s wife arrived and confronted him about the alleged affair. Amid the chaos, locals detained Shankar, bound him, and contacted the police.

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Officers from the AD Nagar Police Station soon arrived, arrested Shankar, and began securing the area for forensic investigation.

Kalpana’s body was sent to the hospital morgue for an autopsy. The police have launched a murder investigation, and further details are awaited.