Tripura chief minister (CM) Biplab Kumar Deb will not play the festival of colours – Holi – this year as a mark of respect to the Pulwama bravehearts. Forty brave soldiers lost their lives in the Pulwama attack in Kashmir on February 14 last – a gory crime committed by Pakistan-backed terrorists.
Reports quoted Deb as saying, “Indian hearts are burning today for the brave soldiers of our country. I can’t celebrate the festival when those families and Indian Army are grieving. Let us pray for them on the auspicious day.”
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The chief minister, however, got about with his daily official work and did not accept invitations to any kind of Holi programmes or festivities, informed his office adding, “He has decided long back that Holi won’t be celebrated by him as mark of respect for the martyred bravehearts and their families and also we have been asked not to take any invitation of Holi celebrations.”
He however, greeted the people of the state on the occasion of Holi and prayed that peace prevails in the country. The Tripura government had earlier announced a compensation of Rs 2 lakh each to the family of the soldiers who were killed in the dastardly Pulwama attack.
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