File photo of the leaders of Naga National Political Groups (NNPGs). Image - Northeast Now

The Naga National Political Groups (NNPGs) has denied compromising with the demand for Naga flag and constitution.

The working committee of NNPGs on Monday in a statement said to brand it as having forfeited the demands for Naga flag or constitution is bereft of truth.

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The door for Naga sovereignty and integration has not been sealed or culminated beyond redemption but to be pursued through peaceful, democratic approaches, said NNPGs.

Clarifying its position on the two issues, the committee said it is too pre-mature to depreciate the “agreed position” between it and the government of India on mere scepticism.

It said that the mis-elucidation from many unsolicited sources abound on the status of Naga national flag and constitution, creating more of perplexity and apprehensions in the minds of the common Nagas rather than providing clarity and precision.

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The committee said in the light of undesirable and misunderstood notion it was obliged to explicate in laymen terms the agreed position between it and the government of India on the two issues once and for all to clear all doubts and uncertainties.

“Whether a God given covenant or a man-made emblem, the rainbow flag embossed below with David’s star had been in sacred utility since the dawn of Naga struggle and no group or entity intend to emasculate the same either before or post solution,” it said.

The committee said it would rather be the democratic and popularly elected tatar hoho (parliament) and leacy hoho (legislative assembly) as elected and empowered by the Naga people to legislate and legitimise its usage in whatever manner as may deem fit post-solution.

It wanted that the “illegitimate comprehension” in the context of flag may be put to rest.

On the perception of Naga national constitution or yehzabo being allegedly forfeited by it, the committee said it may be propounded without any ambiguity that since the emergence of the semblance of local-self governance as thriving miniature republics in all Naga villages, independently or co-independently, the Nagas have by and large practiced conventions based on hereditary, customary and traditional ethos.

“There had never been any written or codified system of law, order or administration of justice hitherto except for the modern courts post-British-India era,” it said.

However, in cases involving Naga traditional and customary conflicts even the state/regional high courts or the Indian Supreme Court, the cases are usually referred back to the customary local courts for final adjudication.

“Should the modern circumstances so necessitate, the best Naga minds can broaden their intellect and, with combined wisdom and expertise drawn from every tribe and community, codify the law and put up for legislation by the Tatar and Leacy Hoho(s) as in consonance with the realities of the tittles,” it added.


Bhadra Gogoi is Northeast Now Correspondent in Nagaland. He can be reached at: bhadragogoi@yahoo.com