Applications are invited for recruitment of various project based positions or jobs in NEHU Shillong Meghalaya.
North Eastern Hill University (NEHU) Shillong Meghalaya is inviting applications from eligible candidates for recruitment to the post or jobs of Project Associate (01) in the project entitled “High shear technology for developing zinc oxide tetrapod-based biodegradable edible coating and packaging for prolong postharvest life of Button Mushroom (Agaricus bisporus)” under the SERB-SRG research fund. The North-Eastern Hill University Act (24 of 1973) received the assent of the President of India on May 26th, 1973. It was published in the Gazette of India (Extraordinary) on May 26th, 1973 together with the First Schedule of the Act incorporating the Statutes of the University. The jurisdiction of the University extended originally to the states of Meghalaya and Nagaland and the erstwhile Union Territories of Arunachal Pradesh and Mizoram. The establishment of the Nagaland University on 6th September 1994, the jurisdiction of NEHU ceased over Nagaland. Likewise with the establishment of the Mizoram University the jurisdiction of NEHU over Mizoram also ceased from June, 2001. Arunachal Pradesh has its own university.
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Name of post : Project Associate
No. of posts : 1
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Essential Qualification:
Masters in Nanoscience/ Nanobiotechnology/ Biotechnology/ Biochemistry/ Microbiology/Food technology
Desirable Qualification :
Work experience in Nano-Biotechnology including synthesis of nanomaterials, nano emulsions, bioactive nano-formulations and nano-coatings, packaging, shelf life extension of fruits and vegetables, and post-harvest management is highly desirable.
Fellowship per Month: Rs. 31000/- + HRA (16%)
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How to apply :
Candidates should email their CV/ biodata, photocopies of certificates, marksheets and evidence of any other academic credentials to:
Last date for submission of applications is 19th May 2024
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