The Centre on Tuesday said that it has made the source code of the coronavirus contact tracing Aarogya Setu app public in order to build a robust and secure technology solution which can help the country in its fight against the coronavirus pandemic.
The move has been welcomed by many of the top political leaders in the country.
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The government said that as the key pillars of Aarogya Setu have been transparency, privacy and security , so in line with India’s policy on Open Source Software, the source code of Aarogya Setu has now been made open source.
“The source code for the Android version of the application is available for review and collaboration and the iOS version of the application will be released as open source within the next two weeks and the server code will be released subsequently,” an official statement reads.
Moreover, the Centre has also launched a Bug Bounty Programme with a goal to partner with security researchers and Indian developer community to test the security effectiveness of Aarogya Setu and also to improve or enhance its security and build user’s trust.
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As a part of the Bug Bounty Programme, the government has announced a reward of Rs3 lakh to the developers for finding security vulnerabilities in the app.
The government has also announced a reward of Rs1 lakh for code improvements.
The details of the programme will be available on the government’s My Gov website.