The CBI on Wednesday filed a chargesheet against five people from Assam and Arunachal Pradesh for being involved in a fraud case linked with Bank of India.
Amid lockdown, the chargesheet was submitted before a Special CBI Judge in Guwahati on Wednesday.
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Officials said the chargesheet has been filed against a former credit manager of Bank of India, Guwahati; proprietor of a private trading agency based at Itanagar; proprietor of a private firm based at Itanagar and a businessman (ex-sales manager of the private firm).
A surveyor of an insurance company based in Guwahati was also involved in the fraud case.
The former credit manager of Bank of India, Guwahati involved in the case, has been identified as Ramesh Kumar Jha.
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The other accused are Lakhpa Tsering, proprietor of M/s. Lakhpa Trading Agency, Itanagar; Rubu Tasser, proprietor of R.J. Earthmovers, Itanagar; Debasish Ghosh, a businessman (ex-sales manager of R.J. Earthmovers, Guwahati.
The surveyor of an insurance company in Guwahati, who was also involved in the fraud case, has been identified as Haradhan Mukerjee.
It was alleged that R.K. Jha, the then credit manager of the Bank of India, Guwahati Main Branch, during 2012-14 misused his official position and entered into a criminal conspiracy with other accused including the said proprietors of farms.
The accused bank official allegedly sanctioned term loan & cash credit loans for purchasing machinery /excavators, civil contract work by violating the procedures & guidelines of the bank and also disbursed the loan.
It was further alleged that the borrowers failed to repay the term loans and cash credit loans, which turned NPA, causing loss to the tune of approximately Rs. 1,98,50,000 to the bank.