Internationally acclaimed actor from Assam, Adil Hussain, has bagged the Kanon Award at Kosmorama film festival in Norway. Kanon Award is one of the movie awards of Norwegian film festival Kosmorama.
The 54-year-old actor has been adjudged as best actor at the festival for his supporting role in the film What Will People Say, a 2017 internationally co-produced drama film directed and written by Iram Haque.
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The film’s scenes set in Pakistan were all shot in India, mostly in Rajasthan.
“Delighted that I have been awarded the #kanonprisen2018. The Kanon Award is Norway’s equivalent to the Academy Awards. #Best Actor in supporting role for What People Will Say last evening in Norway,” Hussain said in a Facebook post.
Born and brought up in Western Assam’s Goalpara, this critically acclaimed actor has acted in English, Hindi, Assamese, Bengali, Tamil, Marathi, Malayalam, Norwegian and French films.
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