File image of PDCK cadres.

Militant outfit People’s Democratic Council of Karbi-Longri (PDCK) greeted the ‘Indigenous People of Karbi Longri’ and the revolutionary organisations of West East Asia region on the occasion of its 2nd Foundation Day, said a PDCK statement circulated to the media houses through the social media.

However, the outfit hit out at the RSS and Art of Living.

“The PDCK was formed to liberate and restore the lost freedom and glory of the Karbi people from the clutches of colonialist Government of India. We, the Karbi people had been living with dignity and freedom in our own land before India attacked our sovereignty. Government of India doesn’t have the respect for fundamental human rights, dignity and freedom of small nations like the Karbis. India still believes in the medieval proverb- Might is Right. Therefore, the PDCK will continue its fight till we achieve our long cherished goal- freedom of the Karbi people,” it stated.

The PDCK press statement. Image – Northeast Now
The PDCK press statement. Image – Northeast Now

Through the statement the PDCK accused the RSS and Art of Living Foundation of working for forced assimilation and said, “Organisations like Art of Living Foundation and RSS working hand in glove with BJP have been recruiting thousands of indigenous Karbi people in their organisation to preach Hinduism and Indian culture in order to make the Karbi people real Indian.”

“It is very unfortunate that some greedy Karbi politicians have been getting involved in this process and the so called Karbi intellectuals turn a blind eye to these life and death issues. PDCK would like to remind those individuals that are involved in these issues that they should not do anything which will be detrimental to the future of Karbi people. We all should remember the saying- what we saw so shall we reap,” it added.

Coming down heavily on Art of Living, the PDCK said, “The Art of Living Foundation has been working like a political tool of Government of India and as a social and religious organisation. It is crystal clear from their activities. In the name of forging violence free and stress free society this organisation is now taking the role of a mediator for bargaining peace talks with the revolutionary parties in our region.”

It further added: “They make a lot of nice promises and sell dreams to indigenous Karbi people and use yoga training as a bait. Now they are occupying more than 10 hectares land in Diphu for their purposes. But we want to remind them that the indigenous Karbi people want freedom and not yoga. We cannot sacrifice our unique history, culture and tradition in exchange of the highly controversial pastime of yoga.”

PDCK blamed the Indian Government for the “plight” of the Karbi people. The extremist organisation appealed to the people of Karbi Longri to cooperate with PDCK for regaining freedom, freedom from “want, hunger and fear”.