GUWAHATI: In a tragic incident on Thursday (June 08), a student of class 11 lost her life after being run over by a school bus at the Rajdhani Masjid area in Guwahati, Assam.

The victim has been identified as Priya Kumari, a class 11 student of Little Flower School in Guwahati, Assam.

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While the school bus, she was overrun with, was of the Royal Global School.

The accident took place, while the victim was on her way to her school in Hatigaon area of Guwahati on a scooter along with her sister.

Soon after the accident took place, almost all were quick to blame the school bus driver for the accident that claimed the life of the young girl.

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Many claimed that the school bus (AS-01-PC-7411) approached from behind and collided with the scooter, causing both occupants to fall onto the road.

Unfortunately, Priya Kumari, however, succumbed to her injuries almost immediately, before any medical assistance could be rendered.

Also read: Assam: Driver of school bus that ran over student in Guwahati, arrested

Locals expressed outrage, attributing the accident to the bus’s “high speed”.

However, a CCTV footage from the area paint a different picture.

The footage put to rest claims of the bus being responsible for the accident.

The CCTV footage, in fact, shows that the school bus, involved in the accident, was not at a “high-speed” as was claimed earlier.

In fact, the bus was cruising at a decent speed

Neither did the school bus change lane nor approached the scooter from behind.

It was the scooter that appeared from behind the school bus and tried to overtake it from the left side.

While the scooter tried to overtake the bus, a massive hole on the road, with dirt piled up around it, appeared suddenly before the scooter.

The rider of the scooter tried to negotiate with the hole, but failed to do so and in the process lost control over the two-wheeler and fell.

Also read: Assam: Father of Class XI student thrashed by Guwahati school seniors while opposing ragging

The victim – Priya Kumari – came beneath the bus and died after being overrun.


Now, with the CCTV footage being circulated widely, questions are being asked on who really is at fault behind this tragic accident.

Was the driver of the school bus responsible for the accident? It doesn’t appear to be so.

Is the government at fault for the tragedy? May be.

Timely filling up of holes on the roads are not being carried out by the authorities and agencies engaged in construction works.

Moreover, the government is now allegedly, instead of, working to fill up the manholes, is trying to act against those who ‘leaked’ the CCTV footage.