Image for representation

Dibrugarh additional deputy commissioner Dipu Kr Deka has taken stock of the Covid-19 vaccination campaign that is scheduled to begin in India on January 16.

Deka held a detailed discussion with the task force of the vaccination team on Tuesday to discuss the district’s preparedness for the vaccination process.

The first consignment of Covid-19 vaccines for Assam and Meghalaya arrived in Guwahati on Tuesday evening.

Also read: Covid-19 vaccine arrives in Manipur

The consignment comprised of 2 lakhs 76 thousand doses for both states

Altogether, 100 health workers will be vaccinated at the Assam Medical College and Hospital and 100 at the Barbaruah Block primary health centre on the first day of the vaccination campaign.

A total of 13,450 people have been registered for vaccination, of which 10,171 are health care workers under state government, 456 health care workers under the central government and 2823 frontline workers.

The meeting was attended by joint director of Dibrugrah district health services, Krishna Kemprai, district immunization officer Biswajit Baruah, NPSPSMO, WHO Pallavi Konwar and UNDP, PO Manisha Buragohain.

The health care workers, frontline workers and those above 50 years of age will be the first to receive the Covid-19 vaccine depending upon the availability of stock.

Avik Chakraborty is Northeast Now Correspondent in Dibrugarh. He can be reached at: [email protected]