Karnataka Deputy CM, G Parameshwara. Photo Credit -

Days after the release of Assam’s National  Register of Citizens’ (NRC) final draft which aims to identify illegal immigrants, the Karnataka Deputy Chief Minister, G Parameshwara, said on Tuesday that the State Government have identified Bangladeshis living in Bengaluru and they were making arrangements to send them back to their country.

A report appearing in quoted Parameshwara as saying that his Government wouldn’t let anyone without valid papers stay in the city.

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Parameshwara tweeted: We have identified. There are Bangladeshis in Bangalore & we’re sending them back, We’ve already identified more than 100 African nationals whose visa had expired, we’re deporting them too. We won’t let anyone stay in Bangalore without valid papers: G Parameshwara, Dy CM Karnataka

The report further stated that the statement regarding Bangladeshi immigrants comes amidst the debate surrounding the publication of the final draft NRC in Assam. Following the release of NRC in Assam, the Centre had informed the Rajya Sabha that there are nearly 2 crore Bangladeshi immigrants staying illegally in India – a figure which had appeared in the year 2016.

Assam Governor Jagdish Mukhi is batting the idea around that every State must have an NRC – one that should be updated regularly because it would strengthen the country’s internal security. Mukhi also said, “The Central Government and all the State Governments have the right to know who are the foreigners living illegally in their area.”

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As per the National Investigation Agency (NIA) report, several fake currency cases between Bangladesh-Bengal and South India have been identified. The NIA said that this route has been used on several occasions and hence a probe is being conducted into the same. On the other hand, several investigations have revealed that there are touts who allow the entry of such illegal immigrants by charging a maximum of Rs 10,000.