Arunachal Pradesh Governor BD Mishra interacted with the officers of Arunachal Pradesh Civil Service Entry Grade (Lateral) 2017 batch at Raj Bhavan in Itanagar on June 29, 2018. Photo: Pranab Kumar Das

Arunachal Pradesh Governor BD Mishra interacted with the officers of Arunachal Pradesh Civil Service Entry Grade (Lateral) 2017 batch at Raj Bhavan in Itanagar on Friday. The Governor talked to the officers regarding the important articles of the Constitution relevant to perform their duty, the institution of Governor and the model ways of shaping their career.

The Governor said the administrative officers are the most important link in governance. They should provide good governance for the well being and development of the people of the state.

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Giving a copy of Fundamental Duties to each officer, the Governor reminded them of their duties and obligations towards the fellow citizens. He emphasized that they must develop scientific temper, humanism and the spirit of inquiry and reform.

Referring to Articles 154, 159, 163 and 371 (H), the Governor highlighted the executive power of state vested in Governor and Governor’s duties and obligations. He said that as he has made and subscribed the Oath of Governor, he will devote himself to the service and wellbeing of the people of Arunachal Pradesh and go full length to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution and law. He also referred to Article 371 (H), where the Governor of Arunachal Pradesh has special responsibility towards the Law and Order of the state.

Governor Mishra urged the officers to work with the resolve and dedication to bring development in every corner of the state. He advised them to work with the spirit of selflessness to ensure that challenges facing the last man on the last rung of the society in education, development and health are addressed and mitigated.

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First Lady of the State, Neelam Mishra and  Bamin Tarang, Assistant Director, ATI were present amongst others.

The APCS officers are undergoing induction training cum refresher course at Administrative Training Institute, Naharlagun.


Pranab Kumar Das is Northeast Now Correspondent in Tezpur. He can be reached at: [email protected]