The Arunachal Pradesh government has achieved a record benchmark of Rs 2100 crore revenue generation in state’s own tax and non-tax sector marking an increase of Rs 500 crore from the last financial year’s collection of Rs 1598.49 crore.

State own tax revenue during Revised Estimate (RE) recorded a growth of 33 percent while the non-tax revenue in RE saw 29 percent growth in the fiscal year of 2018-2019, a statement from the chief minister’s office said.

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While crediting the achievement to the hardworking Government employees, especially the enforcement departments, Arunachal Pradesh chief minister Pema Khandu said: “There has been a visible improvement in work culture in last two and half years. The Team Arunachal mantra has ignited minds of the employees to deliver for good to the people of the state.”

This, Khandu added, has resulted in multiplying the state revenue from its past collection.

“For past 33 years since we attained Statehood in 1987, the revenue generation of the state never touched the mark of 1000 crore. However, due to the concerted effort and hard work of the state government and its dedicated officers, the revenue generation shot a record new height of Rs 2100 crore in 2018 -19,” the chief minister said.

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It may be mentioned that Arunachal Pradesh’s revenue generation in 2015-16 was Rs 927.18 crore which rose to Rs 1253.57 crore in 2016-17. In 2017-18, it was Rs 1598.57 crore while in 2018-19, it touched the Rs 2100 crore mark.

The chief minister had committed to ensure that the revenue generation would cross Rs 2000 crore benchmark in 2018-19. This has displayed the government’s sincerity and dedication towards checking revenue leakages and enriching the state exchequer, the statement added.


Damien Lepcha is Northeast Now Correspondent in Arunachal Pradesh. He can be reached at: [email protected]