Guwahati on Thursday witnessed the launch of teaser, trailer and music release of the Assamese movie Ajanite Mone Mone produced by Swachh Bharat Mission (Gramin), Assam and directed by noted film director Upakul Bordoloi under the banner of Ratna Productions.

Hrishikesh Goswami, Media Advisor to Chief Minister Sarbannanda Sonowal released the teaser, trailer poster and music of the film at Madhavadev International Auditorium, Srimanta Sankardeva Kalakhetra here.

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Ajanite Mone Mone is a full length Assamese film that revolves around the central theme of Sanitation. The film aims to strengthen the Swachh Bharat Mission movement by creating awareness amongst the masses and fulfil the vision Prime Minister Narendra Modi towards complete Swachhata in India.

“It is not a documentary; it’s a full-length feature film revolving around the central theme of Swachata Abhiyan. Actors Sunita Kausik, Raag Oinitom, Baharul Islam have acted in the movie. Zubeen Garg has lent his voice for one of the songs. The film is slated to release on March 9 in 45 theatres across Assam,” director Upakul Bordoloi said.

Emphasizing on film as a medium to promote such causes, Mission Director of Swachh Bharat Mission Siddharth Singh said, “This film exemplifies the seriousness of Swachh Bharat Mission (Gramin), Assam in taking the message of Swachhata to the grassroots levels and films are a fantastic medium to achieve this due to their huge audience base.”

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Agreeing on the same, V.B Pyarelal, Additional Chief Secretary added, “Through this film, we aspire to achieve success in creating awareness amongst the masses about sanitation, hygiene and clean environment.”


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