File photo of Arunachal Pradesh Home Minister Kumar Waii. Photo: Northeast Now

In a move to take stock and provide requisite robustness to the already existing law and order system in East Kameng district, Arunachal Pradesh Home Minister Kumar Waii on Thursday convened an interactive-cum-consultative meeting with the district administration, police, representatives of organizations such as EKSWCO, EKCC&I, and BWC, and chairmen and presidents of colonies at Seppa.

Presiding over the meeting, Waii enlightened the house about the real meaning and definition of law and order and demystified several aspects of offences that were generally presumed and described as law and order problems.

Admitting that peace and tranquility are necessary for holistic development of any nation, he appreciated the police force for striving hard to maintain peace in the society.

He further urged them not to show leniency while dealing with criminals.

Insisting crime has no relative, Waii appealed to all stakeholders to be vigilant and suggested formation of colony-wise volunteer groups to check and report occurrence of any crimes in their areas.

He requested the EKSWCO to form such committees colony-wise and give requisite responsibility to each committee for reporting and maintaining peace in their respective areas.

Requesting the people to act as a responsible citizen, he further urged everyone to lodge complaint if there is occurrence of an offence, though committed by any individual.

He added that it is the collective responsibility of all to play a part in maintaining and keeping the society peaceful and simultaneously, urged everyone to work as a team.

He directed the district administration and police personnel for strict enforcement of Motor Vehicles Act.

Touching upon the role of education in shaping a society, he said that until and unless mindsets of people are positive and progressive, the society cannot be developed as intended to.

Regarding fund for installation of CCTVs at strategic places across Seppa township, Waii suggested a productive measure for generation of revenue for the purpose.

He assured to post as many police personnel as possible to the district.

Damien Lepcha is Northeast Now Correspondent in Arunachal Pradesh. He can be reached at: [email protected]