Dibrugarh Deputy Commissioner Laya Madduri on Monday inagurated Mission Sambhav at Tenagkhat by digging a pit for the construction of toilets.

Under this scheme, 5232 families of Dibrugarh will be covered in the first phase.

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Chief Minister Sarbananda Sonowal started the initiative ‘Mission Sambhav’ which aims to reach 1 lakh families of Assam to free the state from open defecation.

Deputy Commissioner Laya Madduri stressed the importance of toilets to curb spreading of diseases. “Proper sanitation and hygiene among the rural peoples is very important which leads to a healthy life. We urged the villagers to cooperate with us to make Assam Open Defecation free,” the DC said.

Deputy Commissioner donated Rs 12,000 from his own to a resident of 2  number Chetiapathar at Tengkhat for construction of toilet.

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“Mere achievement of construction of toilets will not serve the goal of Swachhata in the real sense of the term, proper usage and maintenance is equally important for sustaining ODF status,” DC added.


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