dhubri pit digging

Synchronizing with state-wide campaign, Mission Sambhav, 2018 which aims to reach one lakh household on 26 March, 2018 for toilet construction starting with pit digging, District Water and Sanitary Committee (DWSC), Dhubri has also made an arrangement to reach 15000 households on that particular day to initiate construction of toilets with pit digging.

Annata Lal Gyani, Deputy Commissioner Cum Chairman, DWSC, Dhubri said that the target for the construction of toilets under Swacha Bharat Mission (Gramin) for Dhubri district as per baseline survey is 1,47,513 and till date 1,19,668 Individual Households Latrine (IHHL) have already been constructed.

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Addition of another 15,000 Individual Households Latrine (IHHL) will leave only 12,845 toilets to be constructed to achieve Open Defecation Free (ODF) status. The remaining 12,845 IHHLs will be achievable by the end of April 2018, added Gyani.

The Chairman of DWSC, while urging cooperation from all spheres including the media to play a significant role in bringing overall behavioral change for proper sanitation, health and hygiene habits among the society said that, “Mere achievement of construction of toilets will not serve the goal of swachhata in the real sense of the term, proper usage and maintenance is equally important  for sustaining ODF status”

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