Expenditure observer for Bijni constituency V. Ramanadha Reddy has interacted with the district election officer, Dhruba Das and other officials to take stock of the election preparedness ahead of the Assam Assembly elections.
The expenditure observer enlightened the officials entrusted with different duties on various aspects regarding election expenditure and its monitoring process as per guidelines of the Election Commission of India.
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He also assessed the performance of various cells and directed those in charge to closely monitor round the clock the doubtful movement of big amounts of money, liquor, gift items, etc.
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On the other hand, the district election officer informed Reddy of the numerous steps being taken concerning election preparation, monitoring of the expenditures of political parties and model code of conduct through regular conducting of checking.
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Setting up of nakas at strategic locations, including SWEEP activities for encouraging people to participate in voting was also discussed.