A total of 88 persons were issued challans of Rs 500 each for not wearing masks while 2 persons were fined Rs 200 each for spitting in public during the checking drive carried out by the district administration and police at the Nirjuli and Naharlagun areas of the Itanagar Capital Region (ICR) on Monday.

A tempo driver was also challaned on the day for plying more than the permitted number of persons.

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The checks at Nirjuli were carried out by circle officer M Kato and his team while K Yangfo, the officer-in-charge of Naharlagun police station carried out the drive in the Naharlagun market area with his team.

As per the latest standard operating procedure (SOP), Rs 500 is to be imposed on violators for not wearing masks and Rs 200 for spitting in public places. Children below 5 years are, however, exempted in the first case.

Meanwhile, ICR deputy commissioner Komkar Dulom has urged the denizens to once again cooperate and follow the laid down SOPs for the safety of everyone.

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The denizens have been time and again urged to follow the SOPs, however, many are seen to be not taking the guidelines and rules seriously and roaming around without wearing masks, the DC said.

He hoped that such drive would instill some sense of responsibility and create awareness on the importance of wearing masks amongst the denizens.


Damien Lepcha is Northeast Now Correspondent in Arunachal Pradesh. He can be reached at: [email protected]