Arunachal Pradesh deputy chief minister Chowna Mein, on Saturday, launched the prepaid online payment service for electricity consumers of Itanagar and Naharlagun.

Mein said that the prepaid consumers of the twin capital city can now avail this facility by sitting at home and can recharge their prepaid services online by logging onto the Power department’s website

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He said that the online service has been launched to help fight the Covid-19 pandemic so that the consumers do not need to visit their nearest electricity offices and risk infection.

He requested everyone to cooperate with the government in fighting the global pandemic together.

The deputy chief minister congratulated the power department for the achievement and lauded the officers and officials for their tireless efforts.

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He also lauded their counterparts in the planning and investment department for facilitating the timely launch of the online payment services despite the lockdown due to pandemic.

Capital Electrical Division executive engineer, Joram Lali, said the online service would benefit some 15,800 prepaid consumers in Itanagar and 9,650 in Naharlagun.

He added that the prepaid online recharge facility will initially be available only on the departmental web portal and made available soon on the Bharat Bill payment platform.


Damien Lepcha is Northeast Now Correspondent in Arunachal Pradesh. He can be reached at: [email protected]