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The farmers of Assam are facing a lot of difficulties due to the countrywide lockdown that has been declared by the central government in an effort to curb the coronavirus pandemic.

Most of them have failed to sell their produce in the markets that remained shutdown.

Moreover, their cultivated produce have also been damaged and had to be thrown away.

Due to these difficulties, the farming community of the state is also facing severe financial losses.

Most of the farmers are also the sole bread winners of their families in the state and are highly worried about how they can care for the welfare of their dear ones.

The farming community is now appealing to the government to help them.

The Centre on Saturday granted relaxation in the nationwide lockdown for activities related to agriculture, farming and allied activities.

This has been done with a view to addressing problems being faced by the farming community.

Union Agriculture Minister Narendra Singh Tomar has been constantly monitoring issues related to the farmers ever since the lockdown was enforced.

He was apprised of the difficulties the farmers could face in the harvesting of their crops and transporting food grains to the markets.

Keeping in view the demands of farmers and concerned organisations and at the directions of the Prime Minister, the Centre urgently considered and sympathetically examined the issue, following which a practical solution was arrived at in the interest of farmers and related communities.