China’s interest
China’s Communist Party chief Yang Jiechi. Image credit:

The head of China’s Communist Party foreign affairs commission warned the United States on Saturday that Beijing would defend its core interests despite its peaceful political posture, Sputnik reported.

“China advocates peaceful development,” Yang Jiechi said at the World Peace Forum in Beijing. “We will continue to… regard our core interests as a red line that must not be crossed.”

He promised that China would never seek global dominance but stressed that “no country should be under the illusion that it can undermine China’s interests at will.”

Ties between China and the United States soured this year after Washington announced hefty tariffs on Chinese imports in retaliation for what it sees as unfair trade practices. Beijing has warned repeatedly that it will take all necessary countermeasures to protect itself.

On Wednesday, Chinese commerce ministry announced that it was shocked by Washington’s trade actions and vowed to respond if US imposes more tariffs on Chinese goods, as Trump earlier announced.