Uttarkhand tourism minister Satpal Maharaj on Tuesday said that he had sent a copy of the Indian mythological epic Ramayana to Chinese President Xi Jinping in order to remind him that ‘expansionist’ thinking leads to destruction.

As per reports, Maharaj, with an aim to let the Chinese President know about how the villain of the epic, Ravana had met with his destruction, had sent a copy of Ramayana to him.

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Speaking to the media on Tuesday, Maharaj said the character Ravana, who was depicted as a ten-headed figure in the Ramayana, was also portrayed as a man whose intelligence and power was equivalent to that of ten men but had to meet an unfortunate end due to his expansionist thinking.

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“I am sending this scripture to honourable President of China Xi Jinping. I would request him to study the Ramayana and see what happened to Ravana who has intelligence and power second to none,” he added.

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Maharaj also said that he would request the President and the people of China to spend their money in fighting the COVID-19 epidemic instead of using it to upgrade their defense mechanisms and increase border disputes among various countries.

The minister also said that China under Jingping has escalated border disputes with the Philippines, Russia, India, and many other countries.

“The COVID-19 virus which originated in Wuhan of China has spread to almost every corner of the world. I wish he would have helped everybody instead of getting involved in border disputes,” he added.