NSCN (IM) cadres taking part in march past during Naga Independence Day celebration at Camp. File photo Northeast Now.

The NSCN (IM) on Tuesday said Cease Fire Monitoring Group (CFMG) chairman Lt. Gen Shokin Chauhan should designate any suitable place for the NSCN cadres to shift and put an end to the war-like situation at Sihai Khunuo in Ukhrul district of Manipur.

“NSCN cadres simply cannot be made to vacate without offering them an alternative location,” the outfit said in a statement.

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The Assam Rifles and the NSCN (IM) are locked in a standoff in the area following location of camp of the latter there.

Pointing out that Ukhrul district is not Kashmir, “though Kashmir like situation has been created”, the NSCN (IM) said three helicopters, along with drone, are keeping surveillance over the camp.

It said there is heavy deployment of latest weapons, including artillery, which are openly displayed in the local ground at Sihai.

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Besides, all sorts of weapons are also stationed right in the heart of the village, which the outfit said is done purposely to generate panic and fear among the villagers.

The outfit said the NSCN is not a terrorist organisation that warranted such a heavy deployment of weapons.

It said around 30 paramilitary commandos, armed to the teeth, were also transported by three helicopters on Monday.

“Local village ground has been occupied, displaying all the weapons to create fear psychosis among the villagers. Heavy vehicles have brought re-enforcement,” the outfit added.

The rebel group further said it is “very unbecoming” of the Assam Rifles to keep on chasing the NSCN cadres in the prevailing ceasefire period where much has been achieved during the 21 years of political negotiations.

“There is much to celebrate for the Assam Rifles once the permanent peace is established after the final political settlement is signed,” the outfit said.

It asked “why always rub the NSCN on the wrong side”.

The NSCN (IM) termed the situation at Sihai Khunuo as “very unfortunate” after more than 21 years of “fruitful political negotiations” between the Government of India and NSCN who are on the threshold of signing the final agreement.

“This is not the right time for the Indian security forces to display such hostility that will lead to brinkmanship. Such an absurdity is against the spirit of Ceasefire Ground Rules,” the outfit said.

The Naga rebel group further said its Sihai Khunuo camp, though may be short of having the tag “designated camp”, never came into the picture for creating law and order problem in the area. It added that having “designated camps” in Ukhrul district is not a new thing.

The outfit pointed out that in every ceasefire ground rule review meeting held occasionally between the representatives of the government of India and NSCN, both the entities recognised that there is the need to maintain mutual trust, understanding and respect.


Bhadra Gogoi is Northeast Now Correspondent in Nagaland. He can be reached at: bhadragogoi@yahoo.com