With the dates for Lok Sabha polls nearing in, illegal cash seems to be flowing free in some of the north-astern states.
While the election officials in Assam have seized illegal cash of Rs 7,84,93,076 from different districts so far, the poll officials in Nagaland have so far seized Rs 91,71,240 of illegal cash from different areas of Nagaland.
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Apart from this illegal cash, officials have also seized 62,665 litres of illegal liquor meant for distribution to influence voters during this period. In Assam officials have seized 1,17935.46 litres of liquor valued at Rs 7,18,243 so far.
In Arunachal Pradesh, on the other hand, the officials have seized illegal cash and liquor worth Rs 5,75,54,730. This includes, 70,226 bottles of beer, 28,181 bottles of liquor, over 800 botles of wine and over 144 bottles of country liquor.
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