A gaon burha (village headman) along with others, is seen enforcing the 10-hour Nagaland bandh on NH-29 at Dimapur on Monday. Image - Bhadra Gogoi

The Chakhroma GBs’ Union (CGBU) on Sunday expressed “great disappointment” that the Nagaland government has not released the “commission” of GBs (village chiefs) for the year 2018.

They village heads have urged the government to look into the matter and take necessary action at the earliest to enable the GBs to continue functioning with greater zeal and interest in their work.

CGBU president Thepfukedo Kuotsu and general secretary Atso Gwizanin a statement said it is a disgrace on the government to take away even the little incentive that a GB gets.

The union saw it as a deliberate attempt to add to the misery of GBs.

The people will lose faith in the government and it will become difficult for the GBs to execute their works if a remedial step is not taken, the union said.

Drawing attention of the administration to the plight of the GBs for redressal at the earliest, it said the GBs are neither paid by the government nor do they work on hourly basis but they are required to report to the call of duty any hour of the day without any payment.

“The little incentive that a GB gets is a red blanket once in two years and a little commission from the house tax collected from the villagers,” the union said.

The union sought to point out that the “GBship/village chief” is a very old institution which existed prior to the existence of the Nagaland government and added that a GB is selected by the villagers to represent them in assisting the government in administration and maintaining law and order.