File image of Ceasefire Monitoring Group chairman in Nagaland lieutenant general Shokin Chauhan. Image courtesy: The Sen Times

The Ceasefire Monitoring Group (CFMG) chairman lieutenant general Shokin Chauhan has claimed that Nagaland has recorded the most peaceful Lok Sabha polls in the country without violence being reported from any corner of the state.

While interacting with media persons, Chauhan also claimed that peace has prevailed in the state for nearly a year without a single bullet being fired between the armed forces and the different Naga underground groups.

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He further stated that there no incidence of violence has been reported from any part of Nagaland during the Lok Sabha polls as various underground groups have accepted CFMG’s request not to get involved in intimidation and violate ceasefire ground rules during the election period.

As per the ceasefire ground rules, the CFMG chairman stressed that the underground groups should refrain from forcible extortions and intimidation of individuals and government officials.

Chauhan also affirmed that after he has taken over the reins of CFMG, peace bells are ringing in the state.

The lieutenant general who has completed eight months as the chairman of CFMG also claimed that the group has been highly successful in reducing the violation of ceasefire rules with no direct confrontation between the security forces and the various rebel outfits.