Imphal: In continuation of his dedicated efforts to connect with the war veteran fraternity during the challenging times in the state, Chief Minister N Biren Singh has hosted the “At Home Function,” at his Secretariat on the eve of the Armed Forces Veterans’ Day on Monday.
The events witnessed a significant turnout of over 50 personnel, which included war veterans of the 1965 war, the 1971 war, Operation Vijay-1999, and Veer Naris.
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Singh also disbursed gifts, interacted with the attendees, and conveyed gratitude to the veterans and their families for their invaluable sacrifices and services to the nation.
He also appreciated the yeomen support by the veterans towards the Armed Forces, during the prevailing security situation in Manipur.
He assured them of expeditious redressal of their complaints.
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The Chief Minister on his Facebook posts, “I deeply appreciate the spirit of our Armed Forces and their contributions to our Nation. This day holds deep significance as we pay tribute to the courageous men and women who have dedicated their lives to safeguarding the sovereignty and integrity of our nation.”
Singh further posts, “Let this gathering remind us of the indomitable spirit of our Armed Forces and a reaffirmation of our commitment to supporting those who have served our Nation.”
Their roles in the country’s security are praiseworthy, Singh said and assured the delegation that he will extend all possible help at the State as well as at the national level.
He also wished them for their well-being and expressed hope that they would contribute further to the welfare of society in the future.