Manipur Chief Minister N Biren Singh on Thursday said that two policemen have been suspended for using excessive force on students of Manipur University who had tried to storm the BJP office here on Monday.
Biren Singh visited Democratic Students Alliance of Manipur general secretary Sital Oinam on Thursday who is undergoing treatment in a private hospital.
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“I was shocked to see the video footage of the police crackdown on students who were trying to storm the Raj Bhavan and BJP office demanding removal of Manipur University Vice Chancellor AP Pandey,” he said.
The Chief Minister announced the suspension of a Sub Inspector and a constable. He also said that the government will bear all expenses on Oinam’s treatment.
Students alleged the policemen pushed Oinam onto the main road and he was overrun by a truck. He sustained multiple fractures.
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Referring to the growing demand for the removal of Pandey, who has been accused of administrative and financial irregularities, the Chief Minister said he had no authority since the institution was a Central University.
A three-member committee headed by T Nandakumar, formerly of the Meghalaya High Court, has been constituted to look into the charges levelled against the Vice Chancellor.
“If the charges against Pandey are substantiated, he will automatically resign,” Biren Singh added.