Imphal: Manipur police have launched a search operation to find 16 students who were found missing from their hostel premises of the Peace and Freedom Academy Thoubal Haokha under the Thoubal police station in Thoubal district of Manipur on Monday.
This disappearance came to the fore when Salam Jotin Singh, the Principal of the Peace and Freedom Academy, Thoubal Haokha lodged a complaint with the Officer-in-Charge of the Thoubal police station on Monday.
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The principal filed a complaint and missing report regarding the disappearance of 16 students residing in the school hostel.
In his complaint, the principal states, “Our staff and students have conducted a thorough search of the school premises and hostel, but unfortunately, we have not been able to locate them. We are ready to provide any other further information or assistance that may be required during the search.”
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