Tripura Chief Minister Biplab Kumar Deb along with Health Minister Sudip Roy Barman during their hospital visit.
Tripura Chief Minister Biplab Kumar Deb along with Health Minister Sudip Roy Barman during their hospital visit.

Tripura Chief Minister Biplab Kumar Deb along with Health Minister Sudip Roy Barman visited the GB Pant Hospital, the chief referral hospital in the State and Agartala Government Medical College where they inspected the ongoing system there.

The Tripura CM gave one month’s ultimatum to the staff members of GB Hospital to change and improve the services in the hospital or face consequences as per complaints.

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During their visit on Wednesday, they interacted with the doctors, nurses, patients, attendants and event the lower staff to understand the ongoing problems and as well as solutions to them at the earliest so that people’s sufferings can be lessened.

Right from treatment, infrastructure, facilities available, medicine, water, fire system, food provided to the patients, cleaning and hygiene, they inspected everything.

Later speaking to the reporters, Chief Minister Deb said that the highest priority of his government is to provide better health, better education, better drinking water and better connectivity to the people of the state and for which his government will keep no stone unturned but it will take little time for that.

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He also called for a change in the mentality of the government employees towards giving service to the people and also improvement of work culture in the administration and said that without proper work culture, the State can’t prosper.

Deb also promised to visit the hospital along the Health Minister after one month to see the changes.

In the meantime, though the patients expressed satisfaction over the CM’s visit to the hospital and believed that his visit would bring change in the services, however, a section of doctors agitated over demand of providing proper security in the hospital where at least 15 motorbikes of the doctors have been lifted during a span of eight months.

On the security issue, the CM said that unless the mentality of the people of the State does not change, no security person can stop theft.