Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Pema Khandu on Sunday attended the event of statue installation of Buddhist deity Chenrezig (four-armed Avalokteshvara) gifted by His holiness 14th Dalai Lama at Ku-Brah Mukto village in Tawang .
Speaking at the religious gathering at Kitdhung Gompa, Khandu said it was a blessing moment for all as His Holiness himself gifted the idol of Buddhist deity Chenrezig for Mukto village.
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He earlier offered prayers at Kitdhung Gompa for which he announced funds for its renovation. He also announced for establishment of cultural centre at Mukto. He further informed the villagers that Rs 15 crores under BADP has been sanctioned for construction of VKV at Mukto.
Tawang MLA Tsering Tashi, Abbot of Tawang Monastery Gangkar Tulku and Tawang DC Sang Phuntsok also spoke on the occasion .
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