Cotton University is all set to launch an undergraduate programme for sportspersons- the first-of-its-kind programme in the region, from this academic session.

A brainchild of the CU Vice-Chancellor Prof. Bhabesh Ch. Goswami, this general Bachelor’s Degree programme envisages offering the much-needed flexibility to outstanding sportspersons of the region to pursue their studies along with their sporting careers.

“Under this course, meritorious sportspersons from the region will be able to continue higher education at Cotton University along with their sporting careers,” the VC said.

“It will follow a mentorship model with enough flexibility which will be conducted by the mentors with convenient scheduling of interactions with students,” he added.

Designed as a general bachelor’s degree programme, the course holistically attempts to cater to the needs of a sportsperson.

With flexibility being the key, it has been designed in a way that would later enable a student to pursue a master’s degree in any of the desired subjects opted as a special paper during the undergraduate programme.

The course will comprise 120 total credits with 20 credits each spanning over 6 semesters. The minimum duration of the programme is 3 years.

However, an enrolled student will have the flexibility to stretch his or her studies up to 6 years for successful completion of the course.

“The eligibility criteria are 10+2 qualified or equivalent from a recognised Board or Council with proficiency in sports,” informed CU academic registrar Sanjay Dutta.

“The applicant must have represented the National Team in International Events or secured one of the first three positions in National Level competitions organised by the respective federation in any SAI recognised sports events,” Dutta added.

“In case of cricket, being a member of the National team (Junior or Senior) selected by BCCI will be considered,” he further said.

The details of the programme are available at the official website of the University