bhupen tangla
Photo: Northeast Now

Like previous years, the Tangla unit of All Assam Students Union (AASU) paid rich tributes to Dr Bhupen Hazarika on the 7th death anniversary of the bard at Tangla Swahid Bhawan premises in Udalguri district of Assam on Monday.

The day long programme initiated with organizational flag hoisting by Pranjal Deka followed by swahid tarpan by Rinku Deka.

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Udalguri AASU general secretary, Saiful Haque paid floral tributes to the portait of Bhupen Hazarika.

An all religious prayer, plantation drive, naam-prasanga by women were also held.

In the evening, the cultural programme was inaugurated by AASU central committee, assistant general secretary, Jayanta Kumar Bhattacharjya.

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Earlier, 1000 earthen lamps were lighted by same number of dignitaries from all walks of life.

The programme started with the immortal song ‘Manuhe Manuhor Babe’.

Delivering his inaugural speech, Bhattacharjya said the works of Bhupen Hazarika will remain immortal for inspiring the generations to come.

He exhorted the people of the State to promote the message of brotherhood and communal harmony for a Bor-Axom which will be a tribute to Bhupenda.

He had lamented that the State Government had not adopted any steps for scientific preservation of the works of the music maestro so as to carry on his rich heritage to the future generation and also by establishing research centre in every universities of state.

“The Assam government should take hold of the maestro’s Kolkata house and restore it by establishing a museum and research centre at the earliest,” AASU assistant general secretary Jayanta Kumar Bhattacharjya added.

The Bhupen Hazarika Smriti Raksha Committee, Tangla also organized an event to commemorate the life and works of the Bard.


Shajid Khan is Northeast Now Correspondent in Udalguri. He can be reached at: