Dibrugarh deputy commissioner Pallav Gopal Jha on Monday directed the health officials to conduct at least 300 Rapid Antigen tests per day in each block in the district to contain COVID19.

Deputy commissioner Jha reviewed COVID situation of Dibrugarh district at a meeting held in the conference hall of his office.

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During the meeting, Jha directed the health officials to conduct Rapid Antigen tests of each and every person coming to PHCs, CHCs, and BPHCs with fever, apart from SARI & ILI cases to ensure early detection of COVID19 positive cases.

The deputy commissioner said, “If the health department can conduct at least 300 tests per health block each day, the COVID19 situation will come under control.”

“This will also help isolate the maximum of the COVID19 patients and control the mortality rate,” the deputy commissioner said.

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In the meeting, Jha also reviewed the case management system of all positive cases and directed the health officials to create a mechanism to ensure proper monitoring and follow up of home isolation cases.

Later, Jha visited the Covid Care Center at Khanikar and interacted with the COVID 19 positive patients.

He also inspected the quality of health services, food, and other facilities provided at the centre.

In the meeting, steps taken in the district to prevent AES/Japanese encephalitis (JE) cases were also reviewed.

The meeting was also attended by additional deputy commissioner (health ) Dipu Kumar Deka, assistant commissioner Jay Shivani, joint director of health services Dr. Nabajyoti Gogoi and others.


Avik Chakraborty is Northeast Now Correspondent in Dibrugarh. He can be reached at: [email protected]